Turning Memories Into Gold

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Time Machine Travelogue Two

Time Machine to Seattle, Washington

How’s the power in the grid.  If it is sufficient, let’s fire up that time machine again.  We are going to need some extreme amount of energy today because we are going a little further back in time.  The time dials must be set to a time when I was still in high school.  When we pack, we need to leave room for my younger brother.  I’m sure he won’t mind getting snatched from the present and hurled back to an earlier time.  Okay, sit back and buckle up we are headed for a summer vacation with my Aunt and Granny in one of America’s most beautiful cities Seattle, Washington.

Going to visit my Aunt and Granny was always a treat.  They planned something for us to do everyday.  They rented an apartment in their apartment building so we had a degree of privacy and responsibility.  We ate meals together as a family.  Most were in their apartment but sometimes we went out to dinner at a local dinner club.  These meals allowed us to receive our day trips for the next days adventure. 

Since they both worked, my brother and I were two teenagers in a different town on our own.  That probably couldn’t happen today.  My Aunt and Granny would give to us bus fare, admission fees, and a small amount to get lunch and snacks.  The amount varied depending on what was on tap for the day. Our parents also gave us some spending money before we left.
Pacific Science Center
Traveling by city buses was almost as much of an adventure as the location itself.  Many routes required transfer and if it weren’t for the help of the bus drivers I’m sure would not have been able to successfully navigate our daily trips.  We went to the movies on some days, but there were some memorable, educational and exciting days.  We had many adventures that are still great memories today.

Let’s take a bus to the Bon Marche and get on the monorail and head to the Seattle Center. The area was the location of the 1962 Worlds Fair. There are museums, the Space Needle, and my favorite place the Pacific Science Center. We spent many days there playing with the hands on science exhibits. Amoung other day trips, we decided to go to the planetarium.

Ballard Locks

Another day trip I remember was a trip to the Government Locks.  The locks allow boats to be lifted from  the salt water of Puget Sound to the fresh water of the Ship Canal, which connects eastward to Lake Union and Lake Washington.  Watching private fishing boats and pleasure craft moving through the locks was exciting.

Woodland Park Zoo

One of the craziest days was a trip to the Woodland Park Zoo.  Zoos are always fun even for teenagers. However, something happened at the zoo that day that my brother and I will never forget.  We still tell the story to this day.  It may sound a little silly but to a young person it is hilarious.  Arriving at the zoo our Granny told us that she included enough money to go on the guided tour tram to see all the animals and have the tour guide explain the animals to us.  We were walking to the tram and passing by an elephant enclosure when one of the elephants farted.  Today every movie for children has a fart joke.  There were two incredible things that happened.  First, it was super loud.  Elephants eat a lot of grass that bacteria help digest so gasses build up.  So it is no surprise that the volume of the sound was very loud.  Secondly, elephants have a many wrinkles.  When the elephant farted his backside vibrated.  This visual caused us to laugh for hours and now going on years.  Then, we went on the tram tour.  When we drove up to the elephant enclosure the guide said, “That elephant’s name is Elmer.”  We busted up!  To this day anytime I hear the name Elmer it gives me a giggle.
Ferryboat to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The most incredible journey was a ferryboat ride from Seattle to Victoria, British Columbia.  Riding on the ferry was an adventure itself.  My brother and I went to the outdoor observation deck.  Many people were reading but there were several people playing cards.  We noticed that two women, they were old like thirty, were playing two-handed pinochle.  We told them we played pinochle, a gift taught to us by our mother and grandfather.  We got to sit with them all the way to Canada and play cards.  
We went to the Empress Hotel.  We walked to the Government House.  We sat and watched the ferries arrive and depart and the people embarking. But, I was on a mission.  I had traveled with my Aunt and Granny before.  There in Victoria is a spot that to this day I yearn for.  The Roger's Chocolate Company.  

So I go to visit my favorite place on Earth, Roger’s Chocolates.  They sell many kinds of chocolates, but for me there is only one kind of chocolate, the Victoria Creams and Squares.  Charles "Candy" Rogers set his mission statement, "To enrich people's lives by creating cherished memories – one chocolate at a time.  I'll take a cherry, peppermint, and a rum home in the time machine.

We had to catch the ferry home where our Aunt and Granny met us in a cab and then we went back home. We were now two teenage men of the world.
Pike Market Center

Many other memorable days were spent with our Aunt and Granny shopping.  This doesn’t sound fun for most boys, but it was where we all shopped.  My Aunt and Granny’s apartment was just off Pike Street.  We would all walk down to the Pike Market Center to buy the ingredients for our meals, fruits, vegetables, and salmon were found there.

The best part is when you purchased your salmon the vendors put on a show throwing the salmon across room while another person would catch it in wrapping paper, wow look at the flying fish.  We then would board the bus and ride back up the hill to the apartment.

So now the time machine is low on reserve energy, must be all the extra riders so we better take it back home now.  But I’ll recharge it for a travelogue next week.  Thanks for riding along.  RAWR

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