Turning Memories Into Gold

Saturday, February 18, 2012

This Week in Education February 17th

Who Needs a Week Like This?

Gossip and its detrimental effect should have been the lesson of the week. The she said and he said started every side conversation in my class and on the playground.  It wasn't only my class but the other fifth classes as well. The problem was that the gossip was mean and hurtful. It seems to be the new normal. TV shows have to have mean snappy comebacks. This gossip caused major problems that finally concluding with two boys jumping another after school. So now the accusation began to fly. This made a pressure cooker out of my room. After an incredible amount of drama, it finally happened they were called to the office.  Two boys were suspended. The parents, of course, thought that their little darlings could do no wrong. That their children were justified because the gossip involved racial comments. Which it didn’t?  That is the nature of how instigation works. They drip, drip, drip venom of lies and half-truths until the patient is in critical condition. 

Luckily, it was a sort week.  We still get Lincoln’s Birthday off.  But I hate Monday on a Tuesday.  We did get some work done.  We did the typical spelling, vocabulary grammar, and read the story of the week.  Math was finishing up the topic on perimeter and area.  This is difficult for some students.  Mostly because they won't try to memorize the formulas or because of their weakness in multiplication skills.   I cannot believe that some still struggle with their multiplication facts.  No matter how much flash card time I give them during intervention time.  They have Social Studies vocabulary also.  I believe that if they draw a picture of the word it helps solidify a visual image that helps them remember. 

Well, Monday is President’s Day.  It use to be Washington’s Birthday.  Why do the rest of them get a free ride.  But it’s okay. I’ll take another Monday on a Tuesday and a short week in a short month.  I love February.

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