Turning Memories Into Gold

Sunday, September 30, 2012

This Week in Libertyland

Good Thing We Didn't Name Her Lucky

So vets are like doctors? 
They make you wait on the cold table.
Little Liberty, AKA Kittysaurs Rex, has taken our home by storm.  She has been a flash.  Dashing around our home like it was kitty Disneyland.  We live in a two story house so there are stairs and a strange landing we call the perch.  My son use to love sit up there to do homework.  Well, we are going on Liberty's fourth month with us.  Now we are getting to the point in all cat's lives, the "visit".  You know that time we take them for the fist trip to the veterinarian to be spade or neutered depending on their gender.  We call it being Bob Barkered.  As the long time host of the Price Is Right Bob Barker would sign off his show with, "To decrease the excess pet population, have your pets spade and neutered." 

 However, as it turned out her first visit would be more traumatic for her and us too.  At about 9:00 at night, I was going down the stairs and Liberty chased after me.  She stopped on the perch, and I talked to her about her wildness.  I continued to go into the familyroom and watch the end of the ballgame.  Then, I heard a bang.  The kitten had fallen or tried to jump off the perch.  

The Perch
As a result, she came up severely limping.  The symptoms seem dire.  I thought, "Oh no, she broke her left front leg."  Now came the problem we needed to find an after hours veterinary clinic.  There was one across town, so I had my son go out into the garage and get down the dust covered cat carrier.  We threw a towel down in the bottom and loaded her into the carrier and into my truck.  We drove to the all night veterinary clinic.  The people were nice and sympathetic but who would know they were bandits.  Okay, they weren't really bandits.  The price of animal care has gone up a lot since I last had a pet.  They weighed the kitten, four pounds.  Wow!  Then came the paperwork and I had to sign that the examination fee was $92.50.  It was necessary to ex-ray the kitten's arm, two different angles.  That was added to the bill.
Ouch it is clearly broken!
Now, like a stupid fool I asked,  "What should we do?"  They said, "She would probably need surgery."
I took the bait and asked, "And how much would that cost?"
The responded, "$1000.00."
I said, "She is going to limp."
They said that they could splint it and it could heal up successfully in about six weeks.  I told them to splint it.  I should have known this was going to cost.  I could almost here them calling their yacht broker telling them that they would be able to make their payment this month.  Here came the papers to sign authorizing services to be done on poor Liberty.  The cost would be $438.00.  Soon our kitten emerged from the back room with her newly splinted arm.  

$438 of desert camo.
You're kidding me!  it's not my style.
We were given some medicine that was for pain and were told that it would make her drowsy.  Everything seemed cool and the cat slept with our son.  He said that he would sleep on the futon in the game room.  This way the cat didn't have to go upstairs.  About 1:00 in the morning it sounded like we had a cat fight going on downstairs.  We came rushing downstairs thinking maybe he rolled over on poor Liberty.  She wasn't on the futon.  She was under it howling and hissing and rolling and kicking.  She was fighting that wrapping.  Biting and tearing at it. Even though it was not time, we gave her some more of the medicine to calm her down.  Things seemed to calm down.  At about 3:00 in the morning, here came the kitten to the upstairs master bedroom.  Clawing her way up on the bed she cuddled up with my wife and we all got some sleep.  Then all hell broke loose.  She started the rolling, hissing ball of cat fighting with herself.  Well, not herself but the bandage holding the splint.  By the time it was actually time to get up and go to school, she had succeeded to remove almost all the bandage and chewed the plastic splint till it had sharp saw-toothed scars that tormented her even more.  We couldn't leave this hanging so it would catch on something, so we clipped it off.  Can you say goodbye to $438.00?  Once I got home, Liberty was all too happy to climb up on her favorite spot, my laptop, and be cuddled and petted.  

This laptop was bigger two months ago.
What's left is very expensive gauze that is not helping at all.
What is this stuff on my leg?  Get it off!
OK, so you say I'm stuck with it?
Well, at least it's not some neon color.
Trying to get the lower wrapping off was hurting her so we left that on.  It gave no support to the broken humerus.  She was now an arithmetic cat, putting down three and carrying one.  Cannot beat a bad teacher joke.  There was one thing to be done take her to the vet again.  This time we went to our regular doctor.  They needed to readdress the broken arm.  Also, the time was right for that Bob Barker surgery.  And it was only going to cost us $500.00.  We explained how she ripped the splint out.  The doctor said that the a splint would be best.  We picked up little Liberty the next day.  The doctor chose to place a cast on instead of the splint.  It was the wrapping around her she struggled against.  The cast might not cause her too much irritation.  

A new bandage in the form of a cast.  Maybe this will work.
Pink, really, that's going to help?
Liberty came into our lives at a transition time.  We had twins that just graduated high school and both would be starting college or university in the fall.  So the kitten kind of becomes the new baby in our home.  My wife and I have had several cats in our lives over the years.  We know each one has its own personality.  That is why we enjoy having cats share our home and our lives.  Some of our readers are new to us, and want to catch up on the continuing story of This Week in Libertyland.  I decided to give you easy links to catch up to the entire adventure.

Liberty's adventure started as part of the This Week in Education on July 7th.
Who knew that there would be anyone wanting cute kitten photos but I got many requests so I posted Liberty Not Again on July 30th.
And then the kitten on the computer in This Week in Libertyland on September 4th.
So enjoy reading or rereading about the cutest kitten on the Internet.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Time Machine Travelogue Seventeen

I Wish This Time Machine Was Real

Bullish on Wall Street
I've never seen so much dust. They told me that this storage garage was dust proof. Some how there must be a blown seal. Now before I can fire up the time machine, I must tear it down to clean it. Dust contamination can not only cause problems with the machinery it can move harmful particles and pollen to the new environment at the other end of the wormhole. Mostly memories  we've been using the time machine for are trips to New York City lately. That eighth grade field to Washington DC and New York has yielded many memories. 
We went on that field trip in March of 2008. That was just over six years since that tragic events of September 11, 2001.  We traveled to Wall Street and to the area known as Ground Zero, the place where the world Trade Center building once stood. There are many memorials there now of course. World trade is what took place in those building. There were representatives from many countries that worked and on that horrible day died there.  There were first responders like firemen and policemen that served their community and their fellow citizens unfortunately too many of their lives were lost also. There was destruction of not only the World Trade Center building but other nearby buildings as well.  

We who are old enough to remember will never forget that tidal wave of dust and debris.  It flowed through the channels of the canyon of the surrounding buildings.  It was surging with such force it damaged surrounding buildings.  It was so powerful at Ground Zero that it registered on the Richter Scale.  There in the debris tsunami's path stood the St. Paul Chapel.  The chapel is part of the Trinity Church of Wall Street.  The same Trinity Church those familiar with National Treasure know as the hiding place of the Templar Treasure.  
Trinity Church Cemetery
This was no Hollywood special effect.  The cloud of debris was heading straight at the St. Paul's Chapel.  However, in the Trinity Church's Cemetery stood a 70 year old Sycamore tree.  The huge tree met the on coming force.  The force was so great it ripped off the foliage and uprooted the living tree,  The tree miraculously stopped to debris and saved the church.  We came there and saw a short squat stump.  It was covered with trinkets and remembrances left behind to honor this miracle event.  The Universe has a way of providing those little things that make a difference.  

Miracle Sycamore stump
Personal mementos left behind
Necklaces and bracelets
This tree's roots ran deep
Note the small green army man
I wonder if someone hopes the tree protects a soldier
We all wish for our own miracle.
To paraphrase Joyce Kilmer "Blogs are written by fools like me but only God can make a tree that saves a church."   To commemorate this Miracle they removed the toppled over stump and made castings of it's roots to create a sculpture.  Artist Steve Tobin took those castings and fashioned the Trinity Root.  The stump was replaced, and the sculpture was dedicated in 2007.
These roots ran deep.
In the plaza between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center stood the large sculpture by Fritz Koenig.  After to dust settled the damaged sphere, was removed and re-erected in Battery Park.  It was taken apart and reassembled.  To save something from that plaza was incredible.  The destruction was nearly total.
A scene we'll never forget.
Now the gardens are more serene.  There is an Eternal Flame dedicated to the innocent people who lost their lives and the brave souls doing there job who lost their lives.  

We need renewed optimism and hope.
And some feel public art is meaningless.
An Eternal Flame dedicated to the murdered.
Even the dents and damage add beauty.
Everyone that has ever even dreamed of a time machine has entertained what they would do with it. Would you go back to the past to observe a historical event. The Egyptians building the pyramids. Wouldn't you want to know the technology they employed to accomplish that feat. Maybe the events surrounding the life of Christ. Others have contemplated going back into the past to alter an event. Some think if they could return to a point in time and kill Adolph Hitler thus preventing World War II.  I have been reflecting on the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11,   2001. If I could do more than just a  "thought experiment," as Einstein suggested involving the time machine, I would really go back in time to stop the events of that day we now call 911. So much has happened because of that day.  Some of them were could like bringing us together. Others not so good because on that day we lost too many freedoms.  However the time machine concept is appealing. And we will continue to take it to other places and time. Thank you for coming along and remember peace.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just a Crazy Blog

A Time for Miracles

Mom thanks for coming on my birthday.
I had a birthday on Wednesday, mark your calendar it seems to happen every year about the same time. Actually, I was born on Labor Day but of course it doesn't always fall on that  Monday. I was a Navy  brat. So my birth was recorded at 16:09 military time. For people not coordinated with the 24 hour clock that is 4:09 PM. After I was grown and moved away from home my mom used to find her way to a phone and call me as close to that time as she could especially on days  when she knew I would be by a phone. Sometimes she would just leave a message on the machine at the actual time and then call me later. It was always comforting to know that we had that special time. Now I have blogged about that my mom descended from Norwegian stock. They were strong Lutherans but they believed in some of the old viking practices. We all have seen the old Viking movie where they place the fallen king in his long boat and pushing it out to sea setting it aflame,  a Viking Funeral. Whether this was Hollywood or real it was my mother's wish to be honored in death in this manner. Now she knew we had nothing that looked like a dragon crested square  rigged long boat, so she opted for cremation and her ashes scattered in the Pacific Ocean.  I believe energy cannot be destroyed. Our lives are energy and that energy is part of the balance of energy of the Universe. It never is really lost. I believe when we spread those ashes at sea we added to the particles of that body of water. Now I live in Northern California, around here we have a definite rainy season. You know sunny California.  Rain starts hopefully in late October and ends in late March.  Rain at any other time is extremely rare and totally unexpected.  
Particles of energy

A faint rainbow can be seen. 
When I was ten years old it was 110 degrees, that is more like the weather on my birthday where I live. Imagine waking up and seeing a gorgeous sunrise. Clouds and sprinkles was the greeting me on birthday.  Okay I know that I'm a little weird. I can't lie. I'm a lot weird. Seeing those clouds I realized it was my mom coming to see me. Those particles were concentrating to give me that birthday wish.  In my January 4th, I told you I loved to visit the ocean. That I see the waves as my mother waving at me.  Then on that birthday morning one of the teachers said, "It's raining out there."  I stepped outside and let the rain embrace me. I felt like a little little kid. Yes it was a little wet and other teachers thought I had lost my freaking mind. I could care less.  Then as a walked to my classroom,  I saw a subtle rainbow.  The goddess Iris was sending me the message.  My mother was here.  

Thank you for taking your time to share part of my strange ideas on life with me.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This Week in Libertyland 9/4/2012

Kittysaurus Rex at Two Months

"What's that sound, cellophane?"
We got Liberty on July 4th when my daughter's friends found this poor abandoned two week old kitten.  She was not weaned so it meant midnight feedings.  We were constantly entertained by her energy and actions.  The last two cats we had were both older when we rescued them.  It has been years since we had a very young kitten.  We are older too which means that while Liberty's action is adorable it isn't as easy to accept when your tired and wanting to relax after a long day.  We found that we needed to tire her out first.  We employed many well known kitty toy methods to accomplish this.  We made a cellophane kitty lure on a belt.  To see Liberty in action click on the above link.

"Did that bear move?"
Of course, we bought cat toys.  The toy mentioned above was made out of the cellophane that was packaging off one of those plastic balls with a bell inside.  Liberty found a victim to attack.  A small Beanie Baby toy from a McDonald's Happy Meal.  To see Liberty in action with the poor tortured bear click on the above link.

However no matter how many toys we provide, the thing that attracts her the most are my fingers flashing over the keyboard of my laptop while I'm playing Tetris.  Okay, those who know me know my fingers don't flash.  Soon after forcing me to quit playing, she settles in on the keyboard stopping my play.  I think she wants me to watch her.  

Kittens grow up fast, so what was once a little two week old kitten is now two months old kittysaursrex.  

So this is a tale of a kitten and a laptop.  When she was two weeks old, she needed to keep warm.  Kittens that small are kept warm cuddling with their litter mates and mother cat.  We were becoming the mother cat so we not only took over feeding duties but we were providing the warmth.  Kittens that small can lose body heat rapidly.  My laptop gives off heat and since it is on my lap it is close to me.  Therefore, I allowed Liberty to stretch out on the keyboard.  Because this plopping down on the keyboard was permitted when she was young she has continued the behavior.  This fact has given us a progression of pictures which allows us to see Liberty's growth during her two months with us.  

"Now I push this pad. It's the mouse"
What can a Tetris player do?
"Just try to play!"
"This is my computer."
"This is my domain."
Going through my iPhoto I noticed that oddly I had pictures of Liberty that I took on and shortly before August 4th, a month after she arrived into our lives.  I knew that she had grown, who doesn't.  We are on that side of the Universe.  Liberty's health was getting better and she was getting stronger.  Anyone who had a kitty knows that they are energy squared.  However everytime when I was plying Tetris,  she made a bee line for the computer stopping the play and then settling down sprawl on the laptop. 
There are no team games anyway. I give up.
"Do you think this pose is cute?"
"Guess again.  This is soooo cute."

"What, did someone call me?"

"Look, someone wants me but I choose to be with you."

"You are so lucky I would rather be here."

"Wait, did I just see your hand move?"

Over he Labor Day Weeke, I was sneaking in some Tetris playing time.  I was on a mission.  I was trying to reach 26,000 first place finishes by my birthday.  The kitten, who is starving for attention, getting only twenty hours of attention a day.  To tell you the truth I'm typing this right now one handed because she is laying on my lap.  I looked a her on my lap and she was so darn cute I grabbed  iPhone and snapped some new pictures.  It was awkward. I had to use both the front facing camera and the rear facing camera.  So what I ended up was some really cool camera angles.  Then it hit me, on September 4th Liberty will be with us two entire months.  With that I knew I had the perfect blog post. 

"Where's my crown?" 

Shhhhhh, the Queen is sleeping.

"Do I smell shrimp?"

"No, it was just canned cat food. The Queen will not have any of that!"
This is total trust.
I am sure that next month Liberty will still want to sit on the keyboard.  How big will she be then?  Check back I'm sure we will see Liberty has grown.