Turning Memories Into Gold

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just a Crazy Blog

A Time for Miracles

Mom thanks for coming on my birthday.
I had a birthday on Wednesday, mark your calendar it seems to happen every year about the same time. Actually, I was born on Labor Day but of course it doesn't always fall on that  Monday. I was a Navy  brat. So my birth was recorded at 16:09 military time. For people not coordinated with the 24 hour clock that is 4:09 PM. After I was grown and moved away from home my mom used to find her way to a phone and call me as close to that time as she could especially on days  when she knew I would be by a phone. Sometimes she would just leave a message on the machine at the actual time and then call me later. It was always comforting to know that we had that special time. Now I have blogged about that my mom descended from Norwegian stock. They were strong Lutherans but they believed in some of the old viking practices. We all have seen the old Viking movie where they place the fallen king in his long boat and pushing it out to sea setting it aflame,  a Viking Funeral. Whether this was Hollywood or real it was my mother's wish to be honored in death in this manner. Now she knew we had nothing that looked like a dragon crested square  rigged long boat, so she opted for cremation and her ashes scattered in the Pacific Ocean.  I believe energy cannot be destroyed. Our lives are energy and that energy is part of the balance of energy of the Universe. It never is really lost. I believe when we spread those ashes at sea we added to the particles of that body of water. Now I live in Northern California, around here we have a definite rainy season. You know sunny California.  Rain starts hopefully in late October and ends in late March.  Rain at any other time is extremely rare and totally unexpected.  
Particles of energy

A faint rainbow can be seen. 
When I was ten years old it was 110 degrees, that is more like the weather on my birthday where I live. Imagine waking up and seeing a gorgeous sunrise. Clouds and sprinkles was the greeting me on birthday.  Okay I know that I'm a little weird. I can't lie. I'm a lot weird. Seeing those clouds I realized it was my mom coming to see me. Those particles were concentrating to give me that birthday wish.  In my January 4th, I told you I loved to visit the ocean. That I see the waves as my mother waving at me.  Then on that birthday morning one of the teachers said, "It's raining out there."  I stepped outside and let the rain embrace me. I felt like a little little kid. Yes it was a little wet and other teachers thought I had lost my freaking mind. I could care less.  Then as a walked to my classroom,  I saw a subtle rainbow.  The goddess Iris was sending me the message.  My mother was here.  

Thank you for taking your time to share part of my strange ideas on life with me.  

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